Our Allergy Specialists have an active practice of nasal allergy. For those patients who are not controlled with avoidance or medications, allergy testing and immunotherapy are available. Although allergy testing and injections are provided in our offices, we are able to work with other providers to accommodate our patient’s needs.
We also now offer a no-needle sublingual immunotherapy as an alternative to traditional methods.
Office Locations
Office Hours
The above offices are open from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday.
Please schedule your injection via MyChart.
Our offices are closed on holidays. Should an office be closed or a doctor not be expected, every effort will be made to inform you in advance.
You are urged to choose the most convenient office for you to receive your injections. However, if for any reason you need to change locations, please inform us in advance so that your records may be transferred to the proper office.
Follow Up Visits
These visits are an important part of your allergy care and management. You will be expected to see your doctor two or three months after beginning your injections and once a year thereafter. This visit allows an assessment of your condition and, if necessary, changes can be made by your doctor to maximize the effectiveness of your treatment plan.
Taking Injections Outside Of Our Offices
Should you wish to receive your injections at an outside medical facility, you may do so at any time. You and your healthcare provider will need to sign a consent form for your vials to be sent. For more information, contact our Allergy departments.
Once your evaluation is complete, a treatment plan will be initiated. The treatment plan may include any or all of the following: Avoidance, Medication, Environmental Control or Immunotherapy.
The best and least expensive method of treating your allergy disorder is to avoid the allergy troublemaker.
Elimination diets, skin tests and blood tests may help track down the offending substance. Once an allergy troublemaker is identified, it can often be avoided.
When you are allergic to something you cannot avoid (especially pollen, molds and house dust), a series of injections may lessen your sensitivity. The injections are administered once a week, beginning with a small dose. Each week, the dose is increased for a period of six weeks until you reach a maintenance dose.
Keep in mind once you reach a maintenance dose it usually takes three to six months for you to notice a difference on your injections. Some people notice a difference right away, it all depends on the individual.
If at any time while on immunotherapy, you need to take a supplemental allergy medication to help alleviate allergy symptoms, feel free to do but if at anytime while on allergy injections you are having uncontrolled allergy symptoms which medication or injections are not working, please make an appointment to see your doctor here.
Call ENT & Allergy Specialists – Ear Nose and Throat Physicians and Surgeons at (859) 781-4900 for more information or to schedule an appointment.