Managing ENT Conditions During Pregnancy
Pregnancy brings many changes to your body, including hormonal shifts that can impact your body and your ear, nose and throat health. Here’s a look at some common ENT conditions that can occur during pregnancy and tips for managing them. Nasal Congestion and Pregnancy Rhinitis Many pregnant women experience nasal congestion or pregnancy rhinitis. This…
What To Know about Nasal Irrigation
Approximately 12% of the United States population is congested at any given time. While congestion is rarely a cause for concern, it can lead to disrupted sleep, sneezing, coughing, headache and difficulty breathing. When left untreated, it can increase your risk of sinus infections, middle ear infections and nasal polyps. One effective way to help…
Do I Need a Sleep Study?
Getting enough quality sleep is crucial to your overall health, both physically and mentally. If you find yourself feeling constantly fatigued during the day or struggling with issues like snoring or restless nights, you may be wondering what’s causing these problems. A sleep study could provide the answers you need. A sleep study is a…
Tips To Prevent Eardrum Perforation
An eardrum perforation is a hole or tear in the eardrum. Normally, the eardrum plays a vital role in transmitting sound and protecting the inner ear from harmful substances like water, dirt and bacteria. When it’s damaged, its ability to perform these tasks is compromised. Think of a perforated eardrum like a boat sail with…
How ENT’s Provide Care for Athletes
Whether you’re part of a professional swim team, play tennis with your friends at Presidents Park or just enjoy a nice run here and there, you probably know that playing sports comes with its fair share of physical dangers. While most of the focus is on orthopedic injuries like knee and shoulder problems, it’s essential…
Why Do I Keep Getting Ear Infections?
If you’ve experienced multiple ear infections in a short period, you may wonder why they keep returning. Chronic ear infections occur when fluid gets trapped in the ear, causing an infection, and does not fully heal. The following could be reasons for chronic ear infections: Eustachian Tube Dysfunction The Eustachian tubes are small passageways that…
Understanding and Managing Pediatric Breathing Disorders
Breathing disorders in children can be a major concern for parents and caregivers. By familiarizing yourself with common pediatric breathing disorders and their treatments, you can manage these conditions effectively and know when to seek medical advice. Read along to learn more about the most common pediatric breathing disorders. Common Pediatric Breathing Disorders Asthma Asthma…
Common Causes of Earaches and How To Manage Them
Earaches, also called ear pain or otalgia, are among the most common reasons for child healthcare visits. Although not usually a sign of a serious condition, repetitive or long-lasting earaches can quickly turn into a nuisance. Let’s take a look at a few common causes of earache and how you can manage them. Ear…
Understanding and Managing Summer Sinus Infections
Sinus infections, or sinusitis, occur when the tissue lining your sinuses becomes inflamed. This condition often brings facial pain, a runny or stuffy nose, discomfort in the upper back teeth and sometimes a mild fever. Sinus infections are considered chronic when they last longer than 12 weeks and recurrent when a patient presents with four…
How To Prevent and Treat Swimmer’s Ear This Season
It’s that time of year again—time to run through the sprinkler, head to the lake or bring the kids to The Family Place waterpark. Whether you spend most of the summer in the water or just enjoy an occasional swim, it’s essential to be aware of swimmer’s ear and know how to safeguard your ear…