Anyone familiar with acid reflux knows that it’s uncomfortable. This condition causes stomach acid to flow backward into the esophagus, which results in heartburn. There are several ways you can manage these symptoms at home, though if they persist, you should seek medical attention.
Avoid Foods that Trigger Your Symptoms
Certain foods and drinks are associated with acid reflux, including spicy and fatty foods, mint, tomatoes, onions, garlic, coffee, tea and alcohol. If any of these are a regular part of your diet, consider eliminating them to see if it reduces your symptoms. You can then add them back one by one to determine which is the culprit.
Remain Upward After Eating
While we’re sitting or standing, gravity helps keep acid in the stomach—which helps prevent acid reflux. Try to finish at least three hours before bedtime so you are not lying down right after a meal.
Avoid Moving Quickly After Eating
While it’s fine to take a walk after dinner or lunch, avoid bigger workouts. Particularly if they involve bending over, they can send acid into your esophagus.
Sleep on an Incline
Sleeping with your head elevated lets gravity help your reflux. Ideally, have your head six to eight inches above your feet. Consider using bed risers or a wedge pillow.
Stop Smoking
Quitting smoking can help manage your reflux since nicotine may relax the lower esophageal sphincter.
When To Seek Medical Attention
You should see a doctor if you have persistent heartburn for more than three weeks, trouble swallowing, vomiting, nausea or unexplained weight loss.
If acid reflux symptoms are interrupting your daily routine, ENT & Allergy Specialists – Ear Nose and Throat Physicians and Surgeons is here to help. Make an appointment today to find relief.