Common Causes of an Itchy Throat
An itchy throat can feel like a frustrating and uncomfortable symptom, especially if you don’t know what’s causing it. Let’s take a look at a few common causes of an itchy throat and what you can do to help minimize your symptoms. Allergies Allergies are extremely common, with approximately 100 million people in the U.S….
What To Know About Earwax Blockages
Earwax blockages, or cerumen impaction, occur either when your body produces ear wax faster than it expels it or when the wax is pushed too far into the ear canal using cotton swabs or other small objects. Symptoms of earwax blockages may include: Earwax blockage is relatively common, with approximately 10% of children and 5%…
Are Ear Infections Contagious?
Ear infections, also known as otitis media, is an infection in the middle ear. It is common and can occur at any age. Ear infections aren’t contagious, but the viruses and infections that sometimes lead to ear infections oftentimes are contagious. It’s helpful to know the causes and symptoms of ear infections. Knowing so will…
What to Know About Managing Pediatric Bronchiolitis
Bronchiolitis is a viral infection affecting children younger than two years old that targets the airways in a child’s lungs. Most common during winter, bronchiolitis typically causes wheezing, coughing and a slight fever. Although uncommon, bronchiolitis can cause trouble breathing. In cases of labored breathing, a healthcare provider should be contacted immediately. While bronchiolitis isn’t…
Can Acid Reflux Change Your Voice?
Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid rises through the esophagus, the tube connecting your mouth to your stomach. Two common categories of acid reflux are: LPR contributes to hoarseness in up to 55% of patients with impaired voice function. When you experience chronic acid reflux, your voice may become hoarse due inflammation and soreness in…
How Can You Prevent a Runny Nose?
A runny nose may sound like a minor bother, but it can quickly turn into a frustrating symptom. A runny nose isn’t commonly a reason for concern but may be accompanied by raw-feeling skin around the nose and mouth, trouble breathing, poor sense of smell and more. Runny noses may occur for no identifiable reason,…
Why Do I Wake Up With a Stuffy Nose?
Waking up with a stuffy nose can be worrisome and irritating, especially if you aren’t sure why it is happening. There are many possible triggers for a stuffy nose. Let’s examine a few of those triggers and what you can do to relieve your congestion. Common Causes of a Stuffy Nose Common causes of nasal…
Caring for Your Child With a Tonsil Infection
Tonsilitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, most commonly affecting children between preschool and midteen years. Symptoms of tonsilitis may include but are not limited to: Because tonsilitis is contagious, it can best be prevented through good hygiene. Things like frequent hand washing and not sharing food or drinks go a long way in preventing…
Can Adults Get Ear Infections?
Ear infections are more common in children because they have small eustachian tubes (the tubes that connect the middle ear to the sinus cavity) that can struggle to function properly. Rather than effectively draining fluid from the middle ear, smaller eustachian tubes allow fluid to gather behind the eardrum and cause ear infections. Although ear…
Infections That Can Cause Pain Behind the Ear
There are many issues that could potentially cause pain in your ear. One of the more common causes is an ear infection. Let’s take a look at the different types of ear infections that could be causing your pain, as well as when to seek medical attention. Middle Ear Infection The middle ear is located…